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World Mental Health Awareness Day

World Mental Health Day 2020

The 10th October is mental health awareness day. For the construction industry it’s a day that brings to the forefront a challenge faced by a high proportion of construction workers. Mental health is an area that is growing in awareness across all industries but there is a call for the construction industry in particular to have a greater awareness of mental health and eradicate the stigma that comes with it.

The sad facts are that according to the Office of National Statistics, of the 13,232 in-work suicides recorded between 2011 and 2015, those within the skilled construction and building trades made up 13.2% – despite construction accounting for little over 7% of the UK workforce. This means the risk of suicide in the construction industry is 1.6 times higher than the UK average.

There are a number of bodies out there to provide help, information, support and training for both employers and employees.

Building Mental Health

Provides various information to improve mental health culture. They offer a five step plan to increase mental health culture in your work place. More details can be found on their website. Find out more

Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity

Offers a 24/7 helpline and app. The free ‘Construction Industry Helpline’ app is a mental health app that provides vital information, advice and guidance on many wellbeing topics including stress, anxiety, depression, anger and suicidal thoughts. Find out more.

Mates in Mind

Mates in Mind is a registered UK charity raising awareness, addressing the stigma of poor mental health and promoting positive mental wellbeing across workplaces. They aim help to make sense of available options and support employers to address mental health within their workplace. Find out more.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Spotlight on mental health aims to raise awareness of how mental health can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnicity and can cause stress, anxiety and depression. Their website provides resources, case studies and examples of best practice to help workers and organisations raise awareness of the issues and make mental health a prevalent topic on construction sites. Find out more

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Posted: 08/10/2020