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Weston Homes offers reward for info on £250k materials heist

Weston Homes offers reward for info on £250k materials heist

Weston Homes is offering a £20,000 reward to anyone who can help them identify a gang of criminals who staged an audacious robbery at the firm’s main storage yard.

The gang got away with building materials, plant and machinery worth £250,000 from the depot in Southend, Essex. They were caught on CCTV brazenly loading-up lorry fulls of material during the heist which lasted two days over a weekend last month.

Weston Homes bosses have become frustrated by the speed of the police investigation into the incident and are appealing for help directly to the construction industry and general public.

Michael Alden, Commercial Director at Weston Homes said:

“This audacious robbery will eventually end up costing our company up to three quarters of a million pounds to a million pounds in losses once building delays, material reordering, time and legal costs are taken into account. “We are deeply disappointed in the slow police response and their lack of resourcing to assist, hence we have decided to offer a reward to members of the general public, and also publicise the robbery via a video and social media.”

For any leads / tip offs on the robbery members of the general public can contact Weston Homes on either email: or Tel: 01279 874 193.

Source: Construction Enquirer

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Posted: 02/08/2017