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The Bryson Annual Kick Off Meeting

Bryson Team

On Tuesday 3rd of January the Bryson team kicked off 2017 in style with a fantastic team meeting on the Silver Sturgeon.  A very enthusiastic reception from the team as we all boarded from Embankment Pier, ready to jump into the new year with revived energy and passion.  We were treated to a lovely 6 hour cruise down the river Thames, cruising as far as London City Airport! The cruise was all the more enjoyable with the sun out, blue sky and a delicious buffet lunch.

the silver sturgeon

During the cruise we recapped the previous year’s success, highlighted key moments and growth throughout the year.  Well done to Declan, Bonnie, Lauren and Dylan who were voted for employees of the year for excelling at our 4 company values of Fast, Fun, Green and Growth

award winners

Each table competed in a fun Bryson 'pub style' quiz with questions spanning the Bryson history, product knowledge and team member facts.


Over the course of the day our exciting strategy for 2017 was presented and confirmed with the whole team signing off the plan.  Some of our key initiatives include an increased focus on customer experience and systems, further warehouse expansion and a solid sales growth plan.

A great day was had by all and we look forward to the year ahead! 

Bryson green van cake

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Posted: 10/01/2017