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At Bryson, we value great employees and understand they are our most important asset. As a conscientious employer we appreciate the challenges and stress of increased cost of living and to support our team we have given everyone a £2,000 per year pay increase.


“We have recognised the cost of living increases and hope to alleviate some of that pain for our employees by giving everyone a £2,000 pay rise effective from the 1st June 2022.  This won’t impact our employee salary review’s next year but will support them with the cost of living through the remainder of 2022.“ – Maria, HR Manager


In addition to this, we have introduced a company-wide open book management scheme which provides all employees a bonus based on performance above the company annual plan. When the company does well, our employees do well and are appropriately rewarded.


This is just a small, albeit vital part of Bryson’s bigger plan to be an employer of choice with further employee benefits and perks to come as the year moves forward.

Posted: 10/08/2022