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Personal Protective Equipment

Notes taken from the HSE Government website on Head protection

Personal Protective Equipment

What is ‘suitable’ head protection?

Head protection should:

• be in good condition. If it’s damaged, throw it away

• fit the person wearing it and be worn properly

• not stop you wearing hearing protectors as well (when needed)

• only be obtained from a reputable supplier – there are fake hard hats on the market

How can I ensure head protection is worn?

• by making it a site rule

• always wearing your hard hat to set an example

• checking others are wearing theirs

Are safety helmets compulsory?

If there is no risk of injury to the head, then hard hats are not required by law. However, on almost all construction sites, despite controls being put in place, there will almost always be situations where a risk of head injury remains. Where there are such risks, for example, from falling objects or hitting the head against something, suitable head protection should be provided and worn (except for turban-wearing Sikhs).

Where turban-wearing Sikhs are working in areas where a significant residual risk of head injury remains, employers should pay particular attention to the control measures that they have in place.

Source: HSE

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Posted: 18/04/2019