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Happy Pancake Day!

Pancake Day

It’s the end of February, which means one thing – pancakes!

We asked our staff for tips & tricks on making a perfect pancake.  No silly photos, no pancake day memes, no annoying gifs, just simple honest tips for making great pancakes.

Here is our recommendation:

“Never rush to take the first one, it’s always rubbish! Don’t pimp them either… lemon and sugar all the way!” ~Louise


“Pour only a thin layer into the frying pan so it cooks evenly. If it’s too thick it burns on the outside and doesn’t cook very well on the inside!” ~Karlos


“While the pancake is still in the pan, sprinkle chocolate over the top so it melts a little before folding it over.” ~James


“Taking on some Western inspiration – bacon, banana and maple syrup topping on a thin pancake. Delicious!” ~Lauren


“Master your flipping skills - I dropped just about all of them when trying to flip them!” ~Tom

“ Add a bit of nutmeg and a pinch of chilli powder to the pancake mix. Tastes like a warm day in christmas” ~Del

The Bryson team wishes you a great Pancake Day :)

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Posted: 24/02/2017