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Green light for £300m Meadowhall expansion

British Land has gained planning for a major £300m extension to its Meadowhall shopping centre in Sheffield. Comprising 330,000 sq ft of space, the new leisure hall will be covered with a striking undulating glazed roof structure.

Green light for £300m Meadowhall expansion

This will allow the developer to increase the entertainment and dining offerings to the shopping centre as it seeks to become an experience-led destination.

British Land said the expansion plan would also include a cinema to replace the existing one, a gym, and flexible leisure space which could be turned into an indoor golf or ten-pin bowling sites.

The extension is the next phase of Meadowhall’s evolution and will follow a £60m refurbishment which is due to complete at the end of 2017. British Land hopes to start on site during 2018 creating over 500 jobs during construction.

Charles Maudsley, from Meadowhall’s co-owner British Land, said the new development would bring more than £24m a year into the local economy.

Source: constructionenquirer

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Posted: 20/09/2017