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Dust Extraction must be top priority for the trade

Jay Hounsell, a Herts-based carpenter and business owner, explains why he believes dust extraction should be the number one priority for everyone in the trade.

Dust Extraction must be top priority for the trade

He says:

“I’ve been working in the carpentry industry for 20-odd years. Working in an environment with dust extraction has massively changed my working practices. My work means I’m continually using routers, drills and circular saws with extractors – it makes the working environment more comfortable, cleaner and safer – I hate working in a mess!

“Dust extraction also helps with the longevity of the tools which therefore means less ‘down-time’.”

Jay says that the health benefits have to be the number one reason for using dust extraction kit.

He says:

“I’ve been lucky to never have suffered from asthma or other breathing problems. I believe this is partly attributable to the use of my dust extractors. I know people that don’t bother using them as they think they’re not necessary, are too expensive or they’re too big and bulky to wheel in and out of jobs. Some people will also use something unsuitable that’s not up to the job! I think it’s a bit of laziness from some people and lack of awareness about the dangers.”

“Dust extraction needs to be a top priority for people in the trade."

According to the British Thoracic Society’s report The Burden of Lung Disease, men aged 20-64 employed in manual occupations are around 14 times more likely to die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and are nine times more likely to die from tuberculosis. Occupational lung diseases such as mesothelioma – caused by exposure to asbestos fibres – are increasing.

Understanding the harm dust can have on people's health, Bryson are committed to help protect the trade. To find the right dust extractor for you, see our full range here.

Source: Premier Construction Enquirer

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Posted: 10/08/2017