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Bryson is CLOCS Accredited!


As the Bryson fleet expands, we're pleased now to be CLOCS Accredited.

CLOCS is a national Standard that requires all stakeholders in construction to take responsibility for health & safety beyond the hoardings. It demands collaborative action to prevent fatal or serious collisions between vehicles servicing construction projects and vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

Bryson's Logistics Manager Daniel Gibbs said:
"We're always looking for better ways to improve our service to customers along with their safety and that of the community surrounding their sites. Our FORS and CLOCS accreditations work together to improve road safety for Bryson, our customers, and the surrounding communities."



Over 5,500 pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists were injured in a collision with construction vehicles on Britain’s roads in 2018, that's more than 28,000 people in last 5 years*.
Of the incidents, some were only an inch away from a very different outcome. Sadly, 1,884 of those people were Killed or Seriously Injured (KSIs). That’s 8 casualties every working day with life-changing injuries.
Every number is a real person with real injuries – traumatising the casualty, their family, the driver, and witnesses. 

The problem is going to grow if we don’t act now.

With government action to improve air quality and promote active travel is resulting in more and more people travelling by foot and bike across the UK.  Construction activity is also increasing, resulting in more HGVs and vehicles on our roads and in our communities. 

CLOCS ensures the safest construction vehicle journeys and is about sharing our roads safely with all road users.

To find out more about CLOCS, visit their website 

Posted: 19/08/2022