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Celebrate the industry with #loveconstruction

The Considerate Constructors Scheme has launched an initiative designed to improve the public’s perception of the construction industry.

Celebrate the industry with #loveconstruction

The Scheme is calling on the construction industry to radically improve the public’s perception of our industry through the use of social media by participating in the ‘Promoting Construction’ campaign. Promoting Construction calls for everyone involved in the industry, and its related sectors, to promote a positive image of construction on social media by using the hastag #loveconstruction. The campaign encourages everyone related to the industry to post positive construction messages to social media in order to target the image problem the industry has in recruiting new talent.

Use of the hastag will create a library of positive, inspirational and interesting imagery for the industry, all united under #loveconstruction. Promoting construction aims to spread these positive images and stories far and wide across social media platforms, with the Considerate Constructors Scheme itself focusing on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter to drive and encourage engagement and interest in our industry. Inspirational images, such as amazing buildings, technology, craftsmanship and innovation, a fabulous diverse workforce and an industry which looks after the environment and its workforce are all ways in which we can promote construction.

Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive Edward Hardy said:

“Perceptions of the construction industry among the general public, particularly young people are now more than ever before formed by what they see and read on social media. While a number of organisations and individuals working across the industry are embracing the power of social media, there is a need for the entire industry to speak in one voice to promote a positive image of construction.

“The Scheme has around 9,000 registered sites, companies, suppliers, client partners and professional partners registered at any one time – imagine the impact we could have if each one uploaded a positive, inspirational image or story on social media using #loveconstruction. While the Scheme has a huge influence in encouraging the industry to get involved, everyone must play their part. After all, it is quick and simple to do and doing this, we believe, can have real impact on the image and reputation of our industry but only if everyone gets involved.

“By uniting under #loveconstruction, we will all be promoting a truly inspiring industry to help entice the next generation to ‘see what construction has to offer’.

Source: Considerate Constructors Scheme

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Posted: 14/09/2018