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Business as Usual: Ensuring Workplace Safety After the COVID-19 Lockdown

Business as Usual: Ensuring Workplace Safety After the COVID-19 Lockdown

Most contractors know how to secure their site since their projects paused during the holidays. But with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, construction sites across the country are forced to shut down without warning. On April 16, the UK government extended the national lockdown to three more weeks as it continues to manage the outbreak. Some construction sites were forced to remain close, although other contractors have restarted their work.

If you’re planning to resume operations amid the crisis, take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on-site. Don’t forget to have fire safety signs and other forms of precaution in place to minimise the risk of other emergencies in the workplace.

Minimising the Spread of COVID-19

As much as possible, let only the essential workers come to the site. Require all non-essential employees, such as the administrative staff, to work at home. Those who show symptoms of COVID-19 infection and those exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus should stay home. Employees who are allowed to work on-site must follow social distancing principles during the job. The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) has also published guidance on Site Operating Procedures for construction sites during lockdown and the Coronavirus pandemic.
Provide measures to ensure social distancing and minimise the spread of the virus in the workplace by:

  • Arranging parking arrangements for cars and bicycles
  • Providing alternative transport to employees (e.g. bicycles) so they can avoid public transport
  • Considering changed or flexible site hours to reduce congestion on public transport
  • Providing hand cleaning facilities at entrances and exits of the site
  • Preventing non-essential visitors
  • Using signage, such as floor markings, to ensure the required distance between people
  • Allowing regular breaks for handwashing
  • Regularly cleaning handwashing and toilet facilities

Reducing Workplace Risks

Emergencies like falls, fires and other accidents might occur during work. You want to make sure these accidents don’t happen because the healthcare industry is currently focusing on COVID-19 patients. Minimise these risks in the workplace with the following courses of action:

Examine the site for safety vulnerabilities: Pay attention to the frequent accidents in your workplace and develop a safety and wellness plan to prevent them from happening.
Educate your employees: Emphasise that the situation requires them to be more mindful of their safety.
Provide protection equipment: Make sure that your employees have the necessary face protection, gloves, goggles and hard hats while they’re working.
Inspect and maintain equipment: Conduct regular inspection and maintenance of company equipment, and repair when necessary.
Don’t forget regular housekeeping: Keep the workplace free of debris, ensure visible foot markings and make sure there is sufficient lighting on-site.

If you’re already doing them in your workplace, that is a good thing. Just continue to keep your work environment safe.

Boost the Safety of Your Construction Site with the Help of Bryson

We live in a time of uncertainty, but work has to continue for sectors like construction. If your company has decided to resume work amid the outbreak, know that you can implement measures to minimise the transmission of the virus and keep your workplace secure. Don’t forget to reduce the risk of accidents on-site. At Bryson, we help you ensure that your workers focus on doing their jobs without worrying about emergencies. We offer a variety of cleaning materials and equipment, safety signs, first aid and access equipment. We are committed to helping you keep your team safe and your projects on time and within budget. Visit www.bryson.co.uk to view our products.

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Posted: 20/04/2020